.: Luke Cole - Home Page :.
(This site hasn't had many changes since 2013) (older version: lc.homedns.org 2003-2005) (long-standing biz: eteckonline.com 2001-2004, coletek.homedns.org 2005-2006, evolved to coletek.org 2007+) (other early online webapps here) |
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Current Network
Labs/Networks Photo History
Network HOWTO's
House Cams
[ Internal User Info | Lance Cole's Current Network/Website ] This page is primary dedicated to Luke Cole's Autonomous, Efficient, Secure, 31337 House and Network research project however is also a tribute to personal labs, computer networks and development enviroments previously or currently setup personally by Luke Cole and/or his family for personal use. Network security is a big issue, especially when providing services such as ssh (22) and www (80). So much effort is put into evolving this network to provide more security and performance. This involves deployment of a smart topology and security policy ensuring all machines across the network are secure and the network is tested for vulnerabilities at every level of software and hardware. The Internet is currently very noisy: exploits and brute force ssh logins are attempted on this network from the Internet many times a day, and it is expected this will only increase with time ("such is life"). So this network is treaded like an intelligent army defense unit, where every solider (machine) has the best technology and defends itself and its fellow soldiers in a 31337 fashion along with providing a extremely strong front line to help defend against the big bad Internet world. Though currently this defense unit can not defend against a packet storm (who can), so in this case the troops just weather the storm to advance their primary and personal defense weapons and get some well deserved rest and relaxation. Currently parts of the house can be manually controlled and monitored from this web page. Though the future task is to develop autonomous software to provide an efficient and secure house via controlling door locks, lights, motion cams, proximity sensors, alarm system and robots within the house. One example is: the lighting within a room would be increased or decreased depending on visibility in the room and if anyone is in the room. Another example is: members of the house can be identified so if an intruder is detected the alarm system is tripped, and the robot is dispatched to chase them :). Network Topology/Control/StatusNOTES:
![]() lukecole.name:~>uptime 05:30:17 up 80 days, 9:28, 0 users, load average: 0.55, 0.47, 0.37 Machine Hardware SummaryRouter/Firewall (hostname: router)
Web Server (hostname: www)
Mail server (hostname: mail)
File server (hostname: fileserver)
Backup server (hostname: backup)
© 2000-2025 Luke Cole All rights reserved |