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Luke Cole

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  1. Luke Cole, Localisation using Active Mirror Vision System, Australian National University, 2005, Canberra. [ Slides ]

Conference Papers

  1. Luke Cole, Nick Barnes Insect Inspired Three Dimensional Centring, Proceedings of Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Canberra. [ Slides ]
  2. Felix Schill, Robert Mahony, Peter Corke, Luke Cole Virtual force feedback teleoperation of the InsectBot using optic flow, Proceedings of Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008, Canberra.
  3. John Lim, Chris McCarthy, David Shaw, Nick Barnes, Luke Cole, Insect Inspired Robots, Proceedings of Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006, Auckland.
  4. Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Luke Cole, Shannon O'Brien, Wouter Walmink, AirHockey Over a Distance - A Networked Physical Game to Support Social Interactions, Proceedings of ACE Advances in Computer Entertainment 2006, Hollywood.
  5. Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Luke Cole, Shannon O'Brien, Wouter Walmink, AirHockey Over a Distance - Connecting People Through Physical Casual Game Play, Proceedings of Pergames, 2006, Dublin.
  6. Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Luke Cole, Shannon O'Brien, Wouter Walmink, AirHockey Over a Distance, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2006, Montreal. [ Poster ]
  7. Luke Cole, David Austin and Lance Cole, Visual Object Recognition using Template Matching, Proceedings of Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004, Canberra. [ Slides ]


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